Renewable Energy Toolkit

This toolkit aims to help SMEs in the energy, building and related fields by increasing their understanding of the opportunities arising in the onshore renewables and closely related low carbon sectors. It also provides information to potential investors and procurers on the relevance and viability of the range of different technologies, how these might be used and government support and incentives for early deployment.


Renewable Energy Toolkit Chapter 1

Introduction to the Renewable Energy Toolkit 

A description of the main aims of the toolkit, an overview of the renewable energy and low carbon market, and an analysis of the
opportunities and challenges for SMEs.


To download the full pdf click here.

Renewable Energy Toolkit Chapter 2


Technology and deployment

An outline of renewable energy resources and existing deployment of technology.

To download the full pdf click here.


Renewable Energy Chapter 3

South East England: Renewable energy resource

A review of renewable energy potential in the South East, providing details on the scale and nature of each resource.

To download the full pdf click here.

Renewable Energy Chapter 4

Local supply chain – challenge and opportunity

A detailed insight into the opportunities and challenges for local SMEs and supply chains in exploiting the emerging low carbon and renewable energy market. 

To download the full pdf click here.

Renewable Energy Chapter 5


Existing and future policies and incentives

An outline of existing and future policies and incentives to increase energy efficiency and the uptake of renewable energy systems in the UK.

To download the full pdf click here.


Renewable Energy Chapter 6


Finance and contracts 

A summary of options for finance and business models for SMEs and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

To download the full pdf click here.


Renewable Energy Chapter 7


Barriers and challenges to deployment

An overview of the considerations when planning renewable energy investments as well as environmental and socio-economic impacts.

To download the full pdf click here.

Renewable Energy Chapter 8

Case studies

Illustrating the use of renewables technology in buildings-related projects as well as on greenfield sites.

To download the full pdf click here.












































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